As a result of changes which took place in 2013, we now have two Religious Experience Research Centres.
On July 4th 2014 the RERC at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) was re-launched with a conference organised by Prof. Bettina Schmidt on The Study of Religious Experience. A warm welcome was extended to an audience of about 70 people, which included several Trustees and many local members and folk associated with the AHSSSE. The aim of the day was to highlight different academic approaches to the study of religious experience: anthropological, theological, historical and religious studies. The first annual Alister Hardy Lecture on How to Study Religious Experience: Methodological Reflections on the Study of the Afterlife was given by Dr Fiona Bowie of King’s College, London.
More information about the RERC (UWTSD) can be found at
The second RERC has been set up at the University of Glyndŵr in Wrexham with the Director Prof. Chris Lewis, who gave the Alister Hardy Memorial Lecture on Open Day.
The Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre was established at Glyndŵr University in November 2013. This Centre is located in the Department of Psychology within the Institute for Health, Medical Sciences and Society. The Director has concentrated on three areas of development during this 6-month period, concerning staffing, website development, and dissemination. The Centre is pleased to announce that Prof. Jeff Astley will shortly take up his Professorial position. The position is for one-day a week for two-years and has been funded by the Trust. The Centre has now also established a website. At present the site mirrors much of the material currently contained on the UWTSD website. Over time this Centre’s website will host unique material pertinent to it’s activities. The website can be found at
On July 4th 2014 the RERC at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) was re-launched with a conference organised by Prof. Bettina Schmidt on The Study of Religious Experience. A warm welcome was extended to an audience of about 70 people, which included several Trustees and many local members and folk associated with the AHSSSE. The aim of the day was to highlight different academic approaches to the study of religious experience: anthropological, theological, historical and religious studies. The first annual Alister Hardy Lecture on How to Study Religious Experience: Methodological Reflections on the Study of the Afterlife was given by Dr Fiona Bowie of King’s College, London.
More information about the RERC (UWTSD) can be found at
The second RERC has been set up at the University of Glyndŵr in Wrexham with the Director Prof. Chris Lewis, who gave the Alister Hardy Memorial Lecture on Open Day.
The Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre was established at Glyndŵr University in November 2013. This Centre is located in the Department of Psychology within the Institute for Health, Medical Sciences and Society. The Director has concentrated on three areas of development during this 6-month period, concerning staffing, website development, and dissemination. The Centre is pleased to announce that Prof. Jeff Astley will shortly take up his Professorial position. The position is for one-day a week for two-years and has been funded by the Trust. The Centre has now also established a website. At present the site mirrors much of the material currently contained on the UWTSD website. Over time this Centre’s website will host unique material pertinent to it’s activities. The website can be found at